Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. Episode 14 Review

Well, this is a switch isn't it; it's Tuesday night, and finally after a long, looong wait, it's time for a new episode of Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated.

Tonight, we have an episode that can only be described as EPIC!(Sorry); tonight's installment of SDMI(or Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated if you prefer) is one for the history books and one that is going to be remembered for years to come(unless you believe Harold Camping or the Mayans, but we won't get into that, not tonight).

Tonight's episode is called "Mystery Solvers Club State Finals", and features not only Scooby and the gang, but also Speed Buggy and his friends, Jabberjaw and his friends, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels, and Funky Phantom and his crew. I don't want to give anything away, but this crossover episode promises to be one for the ages, and must be seen to be believed.

This will be another live blog, and just as a reminder, some of the live blogs will be regular blogs this summer; as I have other plans for Tuesday nights, so unless the weather's bad, or something changes, I will be doing live blogs every Tuesday through at least late June.

Basically this is going to go all over the place, and it will be random comments as usual; which is how I write these things :)

7:12 PM: We might have a no hitter tonight in baseball and it might occur in Chicago.

7:16 PM: Two outs

7:17 PM: Well look at that: the Pac 12 has a new TV deal starting next year

7:18 PM: No-Hitter Minnesota Twins!

7:20 PM: Now, let's get ready for Scooby Doo

7:25 PM: Ah yes, the Looney Tunes show is on after Scooby; just like the good old days of Saturday Morning Cartoons; Scooby Doo, then the Looney Tunes, back to back.

7:28 PM: Ooh, a Thor trailer commercial; that movie looks pretty good.

7:29 PM: T-Minus one minute and counting

7:30 PM: Aw yeah, here we go!

7:30 PM: Poor Scooby Doo, I would hate to be in his shoes right now

7:30 PM: The Mystery Solvers State Finals; man, I wish that was a real competition

7:30 PM: HA!!! Fred's reaction was Priceless!

7:31 PM: Chicken Soup? Yuck! I would not like that soup

7:31 PM: Sidekick? Jeez Velma; open mouth, insert foot

7:31 PM: Ooh, Dream Sequence time! and it's in the old HB style of animation, I love this!

7:32 PM: This looks awesome!

7:32 PM: Let's see: the Teen Angels and Captain Caveman, Jabberjaw, Speed Buggy and the Funky Phantom, I love this!!!!

7:33 PM: Aw yeah, love this!

7:34 PM: Not the priority of anyone in town? Well duh!

7:34 PM: HA! Angel Dynamite looks very cool, especially in that HB style!

7:34 PM: Uh oh, everybody vanished!

7:35 PM: That Lord Infernicus looks creepy as heck!

7:35 PM: Love that!

7:35 PM: Good to know Warner Brothers can still do the old school Hanna Barbera style

7:36 PM: that principal is as big a chicken as Shaggy and Scooby! Hmm... that gives me an idea...

7:36 PM: "You're a Dog Dawg"; that is awesome beyond all belief

7:37 PM: Scooby Doo found a clue! Wait, that sounds familar...

7:37 PM: Heavens to Delaware... we have a commercial break

7:41 PM: We have returned

7:41 PM: I love this principal; I like her character; they have got to bring her back for sure

7:41 PM: Free Cable? Um, that's illegal and very wrong

7:42 PM: Guinea Pigs? Uh huh, yeah sure

7:42 PM: Hmm...

7:43 PM: Captain Caveman sounds awesome! I think that's the voice of Darkwing Duck too

7:43 PM: Um, how is going to the library going to get them changed back?

7:44 PM: There's that Infernicus guy again

7:44 PM: Scooby Doo is really taking charge here; I smell spin off...

7:45 PM: Scooby Doo is an awesome leader; Fred, watch out, you might have competition

7:46 PM: Uh oh, he's baaack

7:46 PM: Ouch, that's going to hurt

7:48 PM: I love these Looney Tunes Show promos

7:50 PM: Uh oh, Speed Buggy's in trouble

7:50 PM: How do you do CPR... on a car!

7:51 PM: He's OK; cool!

7:51 PM: There go the glasses

7:51 PM: Did she really say what I think she said? Oookay...

7:52 PM: Good timing

7:52 PM: Sheriff Stone... cool!

7:52 PM: He looks cool in the old Hanna Barbera style too

7:53 PM: The docks huh?

7:53 PM: The ghost is now driving a boat... Sounds interesting...

7:53 PM: Mackarel?

7:54 PM: Oh yeah, there goes the ship

7:54 PM: And now he's in a truck

7:54 PM: There they are!

7:54 PM: Scooby, you're a genius; tell us something we don't know

7:55 PM: That ought to wrap things up, and douse his fire to boot

7:55 PM: "A pretty well constructed Box", love that

7:56 PM: The Funky Phantom, I pretty much guessed that

7:56 PM: HA! That's funny

7:56 PM: Hey, it's one of the Chans

7:56 PM: A hit huh? Shows you what you know

7:57 PM: Africa needs teenage mystery solvers? Since when

7:57 PM: HA! Boo's funny

7:57 PM: Go Scooby! Even if this was a dream...

7:58 PM: Come on Fred, knock it off!

7:58 PM: So Shaggy is a Hanna Barbera fan, cool!

7:58 PM: Way to go, they moved the date! Cool

7:59 PM: The chairman looks like the Funky Phantom, I love that

Well, other then the fact that we didn't see the Actual Mystery Solvers State Finals, I liked the episode. I rate it a 10 out of 10; 10 being the best of course. Next week we'll get back to the Crystal Cove mystery and things look very interesting for the rest of this season; very promising as well.

Stay tuned to this blog as usual, and I will see you all next week with a brand new Scooby Doo live blog.


SpiderScooby said...

Agreed! I loved how they were able to capture old Scooby so well.

Scoobyfan1 said...

@SpiderScooby: Yeah, it was a pretty good episode. Although, now that I think of it, it's too bad we couldn't see the actual Mystery Solvers state finals; partly because it would be interesting to see who the other real teen mystery solvers were and what they looked like.

hobbyfan said...

I watched the replay Thursday, and commented over on ToonZone.

Jim Cummings was the voice of Cavey here, and gave him Hulk-style dialogue. Kind of out-of-character, IMPO.

Not on board with Mudsy as the villain, but it was obvious when he "disappeared" and Infernicus suddenly showed that he'd pulled a quick change. I don't think the writers did their research on Funky Phantom, and, oh, is that going to come back, dare I say it, to haunt them when I get done with my revamp over at TZ's Story Board, coming soon....

Scoobyfan1 said...

@hobbyfan, believe me, I know how good your revamps for old shows are and something tells me it's going to be very good.

Yeah, Jim Cummings was decent as Captain Caaaaaavemannn!!!(Sorry, couldn't resist :) The hulk style dialogue was a little weird too; I didn't really notice that much, but it was definitely recognizable.

The Funky Phantom as the villain thing was a little weird, although in a way the writers did do their research.

The name the Funky Phantom used at the end of the dream sequence when he revealed his plan after capture was based on the original Funky Phantom's name.

The Funky Phantom's name(and I don't remember the exact one, but somebody can correct me) was something Muddlemore, and that might have been the name the dream Funky Phantom used in this episode.

So, in a way, the writers were kind of shouting out to the original show, even if they did make him the villain of the piece.

Although seeing all those old shows makes me want to see the episodes of them again, or a new version of each show(of course considering Boomerang, Speed Buggy and Jabberjaw are no problem, but as for Funky Phantom and Captain Caveman, vault city as it were).

Of course, there is a way to see the latter two shows *coughcoughYoutubecoughcough*, but I digress.

hobbyfan said...

It was, in fact, Jonathan Muddlemore.

Since Funky Phantom has not been in regular rotation on Boomerang in so long, and the writers were too lazy to actually ask for old tapes to borrow for research, well, as a certain super babe was fond of saying back in the day, spacey, real spacey.

Scoobyfan1 said...

@hobbyfan, that's right; too bad the writers couldn't, oh I don't know, search the episodes out for more information on the show.