Monday, January 17, 2011


Hello to all my followers and readers,

Sorry about not posting for a while, I haven't had much to say on here; but I have been writing Scooby Doo Fan Fiction in my spare time as usual and I found out there will be a new Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. episode on January 31st entitled "Mystery Solvers Club State Finals".

This episode is expected to feature characters from some fondly remembered Scooby Doo knockoffs from the 70's, such as The Funky Phantom, Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels and I think Speed Buggy as well.

I will be definitely back on January 31st to do my live blog review of the episode, and if it's as good as the description i've seen listed, it promises to be a great episode; until then, good day, good mystery solving and thanks for reading.

Update(January 24th): Well, unfortuntely it seems that next Monday(January 31st) will not have a new Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated episode as originally planned; I have no idea if the episode will air in two weeks(February 7th) or not, but if it does I will have my blog review of it as always.

In the meantime, I have a few other blog ideas for things I want to talk about, so stay tuned to this very blog, because I might have some things to, well talk about.